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    Pregnancy, Breastfeeding & Lov Matè - My Experience

    Hello beautiful mamas! 

    The most frequently asked question is about drinking Lov Matè while pregnant or breastfeeding. 

    This is my personal experience with drinking Lov Maté.⁣I’m not qualified to give advice on what the right choice is for you and always recommend you see your health care professional. ⁣⁣⁣

    During the first trimester I chose to avoid any stimulants or strong herbs, my body was very sensitive during this time and this just felt right for me. This hypersensitivity ended up lasting my whole pregnancy while I began drinking Lov Maté again I would have a 1/2 serve and only on days it felt right for me. Sometimes I would just have a few sips of Ben's morning brew and that was all the energy I needed!
    It was 2 weeks postpartum that the magic of Lov Matè really showed itself. As a new mama of twins to say I was sleep deprived was an understatement.⁣⁣⁣

    And when the girls would finally go down, no matter how tired I couldn't nap - I was also struggling to fall asleep at night.⁣⁣⁣
    One morning after yet another sleepless night I brewed up a big mug of Lov Matè - the first I’d had in months.⁣⁣⁣
    The tiredness melted away and I felt re-energised and clear - total BLISS!⁣⁣⁣
    Then a miracle happened - that same afternoon I fell asleep with the girls - my first solid 3 hours sleep since becoming a mama, and that night I was able to sleep deeply between feeds.⁣⁣⁣
    I always knew Matè was amazing for energy and that it also assisted in REM sleep BUT I really didn't understand the full extent until now.⁣⁣⁣ I experimented with not drinking Lov Maté some days and monitoring my sleep - in case it had just been a coincidence.⁣⁣⁣ Nope. There was a direct correlation between my morning Lov Maté and my sleep quality.⁣⁣⁣
    With my new role as mama to twin girls, a business to run, and a home to keep filled with love, good food & clean nappies - I'm grateful every morning for this warm cup of goodness we created!

    Lov Maté has about the same amount of caffeine as green tea, so if you are already drinking coffee the transition should be very smooth, if you are sensitive to caffeine I always suggest starting with a half serve and increasing from there. 

    As always feel what is right for you and your body and consult your health care professional for advice. 

    If you have any questions I love to chat!

    Much Lov & Energy, 


    Hello beautiful people,

    I wanted to share a little about the combination that is Lov Maté.

    All herbs carry a frequency, and these four herbs did not come together by accident. There was a lot of intention, experimenting and love poured into this recipe.

    Each brings its own unique qualities to the brew, to give you a full spectrum experience. 

    Any questions you can contact me here.

    Much Lov,


    *Please note this is not medical advice, if you have questions or concerns please contact your health care professional.

    Yerba Maté

    Energetic Purpose: All Day Energy

    Yerba Maté contains three stimulants, caffeine, theobromine and theophylline. The energy you continue to feel hours after drinking Lov Maté is thanks to Yerba Maté.

    Flavour Profile:Roasted, slightly bitter

    We combine roasted and green Yerba Maté extracts to deliver a full bodied flavour.

    Health Benefits:Yerba Maté contains 24 Vitamins and Minerals, 11 Polyphenols & 15 Amino Acids, and a higher antioxidant concentration than green tea.


    Energetic Purpose: Heart Opening  

    Cacao is added to bring peace to the body and mind and open the heart.

    Flavour Profile: Dark Chocolate

    Health Benefits:Cacao is also one of the highest sources of magnesium in nature, packed with antioxidants, calcium, zinc, copper and selenium.

    Maca Root

    Energetic Profile: Grounding

    Maca is added to balance the other three uplifting and stimulating herbs, allowing a sense of calm.

    Flavour Profile: Earthy, Nutty

    Health Benefits: Maca has been used for thousands of years as a natural medicine.

    It is widely used for balancing hormones and enhancing fertility and libido.


    Energetic Profile: A Warm Fuzzy Feeling

    Only a small amount of Guarna is added to Lov Maté, and it’s the warm fuzzy feeling you get as you sip.

    Flavour Profile:Earthy, Bitter

    Health Benefits:  Known to reduce fatigue, boost energy and memory function.